Our clan is named after a ficticious street gang in Kurt Vonnegut's book, "The Breakfast of Champions"...and yes, some scientists believe that Pluto could have rings...just sayin'... We are one of 8 clans collectively know as The Solar System Clan Union. The Union includes [0RI0N] the Hunter, [I0] Not I Owe, [S0LAR] Plexus, [M00N] Platoon, By [J0VE], [N0VA-] The Super Nova and The [C0MET] Club.
[M00N and [I0] - Platoon clans - 48%+ win rate
[C0MET] and [PLUT0] - Tier 6 Stronghold and Tourney - 50%+
[J0VE] and [0RI0N] - Tier 8 Strongholds and Tourney Focused- 52%+
[S0LAR] and [N0VA-] -Tier 10 Stronghold and Clan Wars - 54%+
Teamspeak server address: solarsystem.teamspeak3.com:9227 (no password required)
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