[OM-NA] Odem Mortis NA

The pleasure of winning!!!


***THE ORIGINAL!!!****

ODEM MORTIS NORTH AMERICA was formed in April 2014 on the NA Server.

Please note that we are a social clan but can be competitive when necessary. If you are interested in playing for fun in a casual atmosphere and want to grind with other players, then come join us.

Clan requirements:

1. Must maintain active membership within a 28 day period
2. At least a Win Rate of 50% or better (overall)
3. At least 500 battles
4. At least 1 Tier 8 & Tier 6

Join us in our Discord Channel: LINK INVITE IS https://discord.gg/7EakDMD

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 15

Ø Gefechte21144
Ø WN81196,06
Ø Siegesrate50,06%


Scharmützel Statistiken


Clan History
