[IOM] Oregon Inquisition

In Hoc Signo Vinces


We’re building a Pacific Northwest(ish) community in order to battle in tank companies and strongholds with the goal of reaching Clan Wars. Until then we’re growing our numbers and improving our performance.

Be sure to enjoy the game while always remembering to support the tanker next to you. There is little difference between clan-mate and teammate. We can’t improve as a group if we don’t help each other improve.

Be a part of a community that shares online resources, useful mods and more.

-Play on the West Coast Server
-Minimum one tier 8 non premium tank or tank destroyer. (Sorry, not counting SPGs)
-Focus on improving skills and knowledge of the game.
-Maintain a mature and professional demeanor inside and outside of the clan.
-Working Mic for Vent
-49% win rate or better preferred. Consider this a sliding scale. More games played means a higher standard to meet.

Contact E.O. CloneSociety with questions or membership requests.

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 4

Ø Gefechte16822
Ø WN81211,67
Ø Siegesrate50,17%


Scharmützel Statistiken


Clan History
