[FRSTI] || Frostii ||

"Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.” Sun Tzu


This box is typically used to describe what kind of player we are looking for. What kind of hours you need to play and what kind of bs you will need to put up with in order to join our clan. We are looking for players with 2 qualities.
1. You are not a chronically online figure who cannot distinguish videogames from reality.
2. You don't take videogames so seriously that you are not willing to potentially damage your statistics page in the name of fun.

The goal of Frostii is not to create a clan filled with the best players, the idea is to create a clan filled with the best teammates.

This clan is centered around skirmishes with advances being played occasionally. Because of this, there are only a few account based requirements in order to join.
1. You need to have at least 1 Tier 8 tank.
2. You need to have a basic grasp of game mechanics (i.e. how to scout, common sniper positions etc.)

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 2

Ø Gefechte6584
Ø WN81301,74
Ø Siegesrate49,80%


#Spielername30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø SiegesrateGefechteletztes GefechtRangBeigetreten
1justdontdoit3337,8131639,3451,14%5274Ausführender Offizier

Scharmützel Statistiken

#Spielername7D Battles30D Battles

Clan History
