[10K] Club 10K - WOT 10K Rating Milestone !!!

The Few, The Proud, The 10k Rated Players !!


Congratulations to those that have made it to the 10K Milestone !!
To those that are almost there persistence will pay off keep up the good work !!

We are a new clan that Honors those that have such high rating in World Of Tanks. We think that there is no better way to say "CONGRATULATIONS" than to have a clan named 10K.

In order to join or receive an invite your PLAYER rating in World Of Tanks Must be at least 9500 or better.
We consider those that manage to pass the 9500 rating mark part of the 10K Club cause its past the half way point between 9000 and 10,000.

We will be a Clanwars , Stronghold , Tourney Clan.
Whatever interests the group at that time.
The main goal for now is to grow and get our name out there.
Any help with this process is greatly appreciated !
Leadership, Callers, and Great Players are needed for this process to work.
Please Contact GAIVI3R here or at the forums for Questions Or Joining.
Or email for fastest response:

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 1

Ø Gefechte0
Ø WN80,00
Ø Siegesrate0,00%


Scharmützel Statistiken


Clan History
