[-VETS] Military Veterans



Founded upon the principles and values practiced through and during active duty military service. Our tenents are HONOR, RESPECT, COMMITMENT and TEAMWORK. While military service in not a prerequisite for membership, these principles and values are an integral part of who we are and how we do business. These values are our core.

We value and treat each of our team members with HONOR and RESPECT. As a guiding principle, we will be transparent with our members and our focus will be on WINNING ON THE BATTLEFIELD. We are not interested in becoming entrenched in the Diplomatic/United Nations style of play. As the Leader of this team, it's my responsibility to represent the goals and desires of our Team Members. You will find us friendly group of guys and gals that like to have fun.

Please visit with us in game and we will get together in Team Speak

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 93

Ø Gefechte26616
Ø WN81028,30
Ø Siegesrate48,55%



Clan History

AmericanAviat0rBeigetreten22.02.2025, 16:58 UTC
Old_Iron_BallsBeigetreten21.02.2025, 22:38 UTC
Xx_Soup_xXAusgetreten 18.02.2025, 03:29 UTC
Paladin_SawgunAusgetreten 16.02.2025, 15:23 UTC
_JadeRunner_Ausgetreten 16.02.2025, 15:23 UTC
KingsGambitAusgetreten 08.02.2025, 23:17 UTC
mrcarjrAusgetreten 08.02.2025, 23:16 UTC
dedly63Beigetreten05.02.2025, 15:20 UTC