[NOCB] No Casus Belli

Si vis pacem, para bellum


We are a friendly clan and we are looking for active players willing to participate in clan activites and
have some fun while doing it!!

Mi smo prijateljski klan i trazimo aktivne igrace voljne da ucestvuju u klanskim aktivnostima u zabavnoj atmosferi!!
Clan requirements:
- Active gameplay and Discord for communication
- Clan activites 20:00-24:00 GMT+1
- WN8 1000
- Random tier 6 tank for skirmishes (T37, T21, Cromwell, A-43...)
- Tier 8 tank good for skirmishes and CWs (IS-3, T32, WZ-132...)
- Tier 10 tank good for skirmishes and CWs (T110E5, IS-7, IS-4, E-100, B-C 25t, Object 140, T-62A...)

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 14

Ø Gefechte13425
Ø WN81475,62
Ø Siegesrate51,41%


Scharmützel Statistiken


Clan History
