[JHS] Jatkosota High School

Koulutuksen kautta täydellisyyteen.


We are a schooling clan made for the newest World of Tanks players with 3000 battles or less. Our goal is to ensure that newcomers aren't left alone with their questions and needs. We provide individual training and platoon battles. We also have our own Discord Server.

Our philosophy:

On vähäkin tyhjää parempi. ("A little is better than nothing")
You don't have to have the high-end-meta-tanks that are important in competetive play. We work with the equipment that you bring into the clan. We also don't look at your stats.

Isoja kaloja kannattaa pyytää vaikkei saisikaan. ("Big fish are worth of fishing even if you don't catch one.")
We are not unicums; most of us are average players. We may not win 60 or 70% of our battles. But we will put up a good and fair fight!

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 19

Ø Gefechte5705
Ø WN81097,11
Ø Siegesrate50,15%



Clan History
