[2-SSB] 2nd Special Service Brigade

Fight as One & Win as One


Fun, Friendly, English Speaking Clan
Our Officers may be able to show you a Trick or Two
Stealthy & Deadly
Are you capable of causing mayhem in the Enemy Ranks?
Can You leave their Hopes and Dreams in Tatters?
Then the 2nd Special Services Brigade (2-SSB) needs you!!

From experience comes 'Knowledge', From Strength comes 'Power'
From Friendships comes a 'Great Clan' Join us & we'll win these Battles together

No Minimum age restrictions. We're looking for player's with a minimum 1500 games
No set Tanks too play, if you can prove a Specialist in Any Model or Type
Team Training & Team Battles when we've enough members on-line
Only Rules
Are that You Can Speak & Type in 'English'
Come along to Enjoy the Game
You 'Listen' to your company Commanders - They've probably been there before :0)

Come and Join,
Your Clan Needs YOU!!

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 28

Ø Gefechte16902
Ø WN8946,34
Ø Siegesrate48,77%



Clan History
