[-TWP] TheWolfPack

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack!"


Hello potential recruits.

We are a new but active clan, and looking for active members.

There are 2 requirements at least a tier 6 med/light and to use Teamspeak while playing Tanks.

We are concentrating on Skirmishes at tier 8 and 6.

When we have a larger player base we will be able to do tier 10 skirmishes and more Clan wars.

We use Teamspeak 3 ( wottwp.ddnsfree.com ) to communicate during battles and we are very social.

We would also like players to have a heavy/ light at tier 8, but happy to accept you if you are working towards this.

Come on Teamspeak and have a chat to myself rgthomas or Thanos

Clan Statistik

Anzahl der Mitglieder: 67

Ø Gefechte19345
Ø WN81064,28
Ø Siegesrate49,09%



Clan History

F10YDBeigetreten17.02.2025, 19:42 UTC